• Warm sunshine … check.
  • White sand … check.
  • Exotic locale … check.
  • Elite ultimate … check!!

The World Championships of Beach Ultimate in Dubai…

BULA Beach Ultimate and the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) proudly presented the 2015 BULA & WFDF World Championships of Beach Ultimate (#WCBU2015). The event took place 8-13 March 2015 on the JBR beach in Dubai (UAE).

Fans around the world watched all the action live at live.wcbu2015.org and followed their favorite teams and players. Live scoring of all games, video highlights, live streaming of the finals, aggregated blog, Facebook, and Twitter mentions, as well as photos and videos.

The opening game was from the Women’s division to celebrate International Women’s day on March 8 2015.

About Beach Ultimate | About BULA | About the #WCBU2015

Event Deadline
Team fees due* 31 August 2014
Team registration closes* 30 November 2014
Player fees & preliminary rosters due* 30 November 2014
Accommodation payment due 8 January 2015
Player registration closes 31 January 2015
Player arrival 7-8 March 2015
* Details on Fees & Timeline page

 Latest News

  • GHmontage

The afterBeach…

Ravi and DP question each other on how WCBU went a month after the event.

RV: How does Post Tournament Depression (PTD) differ between covering a tournament and playing a tournament?
Well instead of aching and wanting […]

  • WCBU_2015_wcb_39633-(ZF-10727-51063-1-004)

Games to watch – Friday #BeachTales

Well clearly the games to watch are the finals. So let’s have a quick look into them and maybe some predictions

Grand Masters: USA vs Sweden – in their previous meeting USA won 13 – 4. […]

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Tensions rise in an open semi but spirit prevails #BeachTales

As you may have seen on the livestream or VOD, the Philippines were defeated by USA in the open division semi-final on universe point in incredibly windy conditions. The game was back and eventually reached […]

  • 2015-03-09_ROEDER_UAEw-GBRw_CARD2_0097-(ZF-5464-92710-1-004)

Ultimate family in UAE #FamilyDay #BeachTales

As players we love the way in which a frisbee flies, the huge plays, the tactics and the simplicity of the sport. As people we love the idea of Spirit, self-officiation and often most importantly […]

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GH Beach Tales Games to watch – Friday #BeachTales 22:03 - Mar 12

Well clearly the games to watch are the finals. So let’s have a quick look into them and maybe some predictions Grand Masters: USA vs Sweden – in their previous meeting USA won 13 – 4. The real question is, what will Sweden change? Open Masters: USA vs Canada – Team USA have rolled through [Read More…]

Sarah Paddle Swim WCBU preview : GB Masters co-Captain Rob McGowan 22:02 - Feb 23

By @SimonCocking Congrats on co-captainness. How has it been training in the winter for a beach tournament, cold wet sand surely? Tough? Thanks, I’m co-captain with Dave Grayson who I’ve played with on various masters teams for the last 5 years. Dave runs the show. I help where I can.   Rob modestly rising from the [Read More…]

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